This week, starting at Flatbread in Georgetown, we will ride a variation of the Ponds and Forests route, wch has been revised and shortened a tad due to the continuing closure of Uptack Rd. 

Road ride
Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 9am
Flatbread - Georgetown
258 Andover St
Georgetown MA 01833
There are restrooms at the start.

Please park in the front of the parking lot near Andover St (Rte 133) - away from the building.

Same as starting location
Please download this latest version of the routes before each ride.
Route Miles Elev.* Print Files
Ponds and Forests from Flatbread - 2023 40 1,863 Cue sheet Send to device
* Elev. is the elevation gain in feet.
Route maps
40 miles
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