Salt marsh

Ease into summer with this early June ride that starts slow and easy along the Newburyport rail trail and then gets going along shaded tree-line roads bordered with blooming flowers and bushes throughout Newbury, Georgetown, Boxford, and Topsfield.  Our ride will come to an end as we ride by farmlands in Ipswich and the salt marshes in Rowley.  

There are no bathroom facilities at the start of the ride.  There are porta potties at Cashman Park on Merrimac St at the end of Broad--a few blocks from the start.  And there are more at the entrance to Willowdale State Forest on Linebrook Rd.--at mile 32.5. 

Choose your lunch preference:  either settling in (with or without a beer) at Michael's Harborside or grabbing a sandwich at Port City Sandwich for a relaxing picnic along the Merrimack.  

Road ride
Wednesday, June 5, 2024 at 9am
Michael's Harborside
1 Tournament Wharf
Newburyport MA 01950
Michael's Harborside
1 Tournament Wharf
Newburyport MA 01950
Please download this latest version of the routes before each ride.
Route Miles Elev.* Print Files
Ease into Summer 46 1,591 Cue sheet Send to device
* Elev. is the elevation gain in feet.
Route maps
46 miles
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